Energy Expert


+41 22 960 58 75
Chemin du Vernay, 14A

+41 22 960 58 75

Required informations

ELSIE SA is a service corporation that specialises in relocating highly qualified technicians to companies in the energy sector as well as all concurring operations (see articles of association).

HEAD OFFICE : Chemin du Vernay, 14A - 1296 Gland - SWITZERLAND

IDE/UID (federal company identification number) : CHE-226.495.673

VTA N° : CHE-226.495.673 TVA

Trade Register : Moudon (VD) since 14 june 2012.

Content manager : Drid BELKHIR

Technical manager : WOOPLEE sas

Hosting service provider : OVH Roubaix.

Any reproduction or representation made without our agreement constitutes an infringement.

Website hosting

Our website www.elsiegroup.com (as well as all related domain names) is hosted by a professional partner: OVH. You can consult the services offered by this service provider at this address www.ovh.com/fr/

The site is hosted by the company OVH, legal status of company with a capital of € 10 174 560,00 , registered in the Lille Métropole Trade and Companies Register under number B 424 761 419 having its registered office at 2 RUE KELLERMANN 59100 ROUBAIX – 08 90 10 92 13.

Digital Strategy / Website creation and monitoring

Our website www.elsiegroup.com (as well as all related domain names) was created by a professional partner : WOOPLEE SAS. You can consult the services offered by this partner at this address www.wooplee.fr

The Webmaster for the site is the company WOOPLEE - SAS with a capital of € 10 000, registered in the Besançon Trade and Companies Register under number B 811 570 639 having its registered office at 7 Rue Lavoisier, 25000 Besançon – contact@wooplee.fr – 06 85 08 85 30.

Intellectual property

Photo credits: ELSIE SA, represented by Drid Belkhir.

This website is the exclusive property of ELSIE SA. All contents (text, images, photos, logos, icons, etc.) have been produced by us. Therefore, it is strictly forbidden to copy, modify or transform them for any use whatsoever.

The Director of Publications is Mr. Drid BELKHIR - contact@elsiegroup.com 

If you would like to use a logo or a photo to promote our activity, please make a request to the person in charge of the website.


ELSIE SA cannot be held liable for the hypertext links to other websites, as ELSIE SA has no control over the content of these websites.


For all requests for information, technical information, processing of personal data, General Data Protection Regulations (European GDPR) and to express your rights, you can contact us via our page contact ou par mail : gdpr@elsiegroup.com

Wait no longer, come and join a group of experts from the world of electrical power transmission and distribution !

Head office

Chemin du Vernay, 14A

Tel. + 41 22 960 58 75
Mail. contact@elsiegroup.com