During the annual meeting near Geneva our ELSIE team followed a technical workshop heading towards a promising future !
Thanks to Air Liquide Electronics Systems and their top trainer Frederic LORAY we got deeper in our technical understanding and use

GIS (Gas Insulated Switchgear)

Our experts supervise 20 GIS maintenance each year !
They manage the site schedule, confirm the shutdown plans and supervise all site works assigned by our clients. ELSIE already proves itself during GIS periodic maintenances, flashover

GIS (Gas Insulated Switchgear)

Our experts are installing 30 new Gas Insulated Switchgear each year!

They conduct the complete installations from civil work verification up to partial discharge measurement during the high voltage tests.

They are certified by the manufacturers

Our high voltage substations specialists can conduct construction supervision, overall commissioning and much more...

Contact us for more information !

ELSIE, a customer-centered service culture without compromising health and safety.

Our experts can conduct high voltage tests on your worksite internationally. Contact us for more information !

ELSIE, a customer-centered service culture, without compromising health and safety.

Wait no longer, come and join a group of experts from the world of electrical power transmission and distribution !

Head office

Chemin du Vernay, 14A

Tel. + 41 22 960 58 75
Mail. contact@elsiegroup.com